
Google Ads: how the platform can increase your sales

31 de August de 2022
Posted by 4Leads
4leads blog google ads como a plataforma pode aumentar suas vendas

Google Ads is Google's ad platform, where companies have the opportunity to advertise their services to a greater number of people. Through this tool, campaigns are created, where it is possible to segment the public, that is, to appear in the searches of a highly qualified audience interested in what you sell.

It is a form of online advertising where you pay for your ad to appear on different platforms. However, unlike traditional advertising (TV, radio, newspaper) where the ad is seen by all types of audiences, advertising on Google is made only for that group of people who want to see the ad.

This audience segmentation is important because instead of shooting all over the place, your business will be seen by those people who really identify with the brand and who can become customers.

In this text you will know:

  • how the platform works and how it can leverage your sales;
  • what are the ways to advertise on Google Ads;
  • what are the advantages of advertising on this platform.

How Google Ads works and how to leverage sales

Google Ads works on a pay-as-you-go basis, meaning you must determine the maximum amount you're willing to pay for each click on your ad during a month. Google, in turn, deducts this amount from the credit paid by a bank card.

It is necessary to create a list of keywords that characterize the product offered. In this way, when a potential customer searches for a certain item in the platform search, he can find the service provided by him.

Users who advertise the same type of service or product compete with each other to gain position in search results, it's a kind of auction. So don't just pay to show up. Some quality factors are used to rank ads, called Ad Rank.

Ad Rank is calculated using the following formula: Quality Score (IQ) x Bid (Maximum CPC).

This means that the quality factor is what influences the position of the ad in search and not how much you pay for it. This quality index is evaluated through a grade from 0 to 10, and its evaluation components are based on:

  • Relevance: keywords, text, image, usability and content must be 100% related to the user's search to bring the best possible experience to the internet user.
  • CTR: to know the CTR, just divide the number of clicks by the number of times the sponsored link was displayed.
  • Landing page: this is where the customer arrives after clicking on the sponsored link. Google takes some criteria for ranking: content, reliability and usability.

Note that even the page the ad will take you to is considered. Therefore, to have good results and leverage online sales, you need to create quality content with a good look.

Ways to advertise in Google Ads

There are a few ways to advertise on Google Ads. Check out what they are!

Ads on the search network

These are the ads that appear on the search network when a user searches for a keyword on Google. They appear at the beginning and end of search pages, identified with the word “announcement” next to the title.

The big advantage is that payment for the ad is made when the person clicks on the link. Therefore, because they are search results, they are indicated to reach people who are looking for a specific solution that your product or service can solve.

Display Ads

These are ads shown on websites and blogs, which together form the display network. They are graphic ads, that is, made up of images and texts.

Speaking of numbers, this type of ad reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide. Going further, these are ads that are displayed on more than 2 million websites and in more than 650,000 apps worldwide.

If you choose to advertise through display, some targeting options can be used, such as: keyword, location, targeting and remarketing.

Application Ads

These are ads intended exclusively for those who have applications. You can increase your app's reach by promoting it to mobile device users.

YouTube Ads

These are the ads that appear at the beginning and middle of the videos. YouTube can be a good place to advertise as it has over a billion users.

According to the platform, you only pay for the ad if the person interacts with your campaign. This way, if the user skips your ad before reaching 30 seconds, you don't pay.

Advantages of Advertising on Google Ads


  1. Segmentation Ads

Targeting allows you to show your ads to reach people with specific interests, that is, people who are interested in your products and services, and show you relevant ads.

Google Ads offers different forms of targeting, such as:

  • Keywords: Words or phrases relevant to your products and services, which are used to display your ads when customers search for those terms or visit relevant websites.
  • Ad Location: Show your ads on search results pages and websites that are part of the Google Search and Display Networks.
  • Age, Location, and Language: Choose your customers' age, geographic location, and language.
  • Days, Times, and Frequency: Show your ads during certain hours or days of the week, and determine how often your ads appear.
  • Devices: Your ads can appear on all types of devices, and you can adjust on which devices and when your ads will appear.
  1. Cost control

With Google Ads, you can control how you spend your money. There is no minimum amount. In addition, you can choose how much you will spend per month, per day and per ad. You will only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

  1. Success rating

With Google Ads, you know if someone has clicked on your ad. If the person clicks on your ad and then takes some action that is valuable for your business (buying your product, downloading your app, or calling to place an order), you can also follow up.

By seeing which ads are clicked and which are not, you can also quickly identify where to invest in your campaign. This, in turn, can increase your return on investment.

You can see other valuable data, including the average cost of advertising that leads to online purchases or calls from your customers. In addition, you can also use analytics tools to learn more about customers' buying habits, for example, how long they tend to research your product before purchasing.

  1. Campaign management

Google Ads also offers tools to easily manage and monitor accounts.

If you manage multiple Google Ads accounts, a My Client Center (MCC) manager account is a powerful tool that can save you time. With it, you can easily view and manage all your Google Ads accounts in one place.

You can also manage your Google Ads account offline with Google Ads Editor, a free, downloadable desktop app that lets you make changes to your account quickly and conveniently.


If your company still doesn't advertise on Google, this may be the right time to boost sales through online advertising. As you can see, there are several advantages and the process is practical.

Therefore, for your business to reach new audiences, obtain more lead conversion and, consequently, have an increase in sales, we recommend investing in paid traffic. This is a valid strategy for companies that want to increase results and not just stay on organic traffic.

Visit our website and chat with our expert. We will introduce you to a methodology that will take your business to the top! Follow us on social media, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up with other content.

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