
Search Engines: how to rank better on Google

30 de January de 2023
Posted by 4Leads
4leads blog sites de busca como conseguir um bom ranqueamento no Google

Having a good ranking on search engines is essential for businesses that are looking to have more visibility and to build authority. Google, one of the biggest search engines, processes over 8.5 searches daily, according to data from a research done by Oberlo.

What does it mean to rank on search engines?

Whenever you search for something on Google or any other search engine, type in a keyword or a phrase to ask a question, solve a problem or find something. Usually, the first links that show up are those that you will access to try and find what you are looking for.

That’s why generating content that shows up in the first page of the search engine is so important, since your business website will be easily found by the users.

For that, it’s necessary to create quality content using SEO techniques that will help your page rank higher.

In this article, you will find out what are the advantages of ranking higher on search engines and what are the most important factors to reach the leading positions on Google.

Advantages of ranking on search engines

Search websites help internet users to look for certain information and to find the answers they need. Google, one of the biggest search engines, is accessed more than 3 times per day by 84% of the people interviewed by Oberlo in a research conducted this year.

That means that, if your business’ website is ranked up high, the chances of organic visits are also higher. With that, users will initiate their journey through your sales funnel, where they will have access to the content that matches their needs.

Here are some other advantages of ranking higher on search engines

  • Visibility and scalability

Your business’s website has more visibility when it shows up high in the search results on search engines. Users, when searching for something will find the website more easily and will be able to make other searches, get to know your brand and services or products that your business offers. Besides, organic ranking contributes to having more visits with less cost.

  • Durability

When the blog’s articles are well done and SEO techniques are utilized, the position tends to remain the same for a long time. For that reason, everytime a user searches for a content that is covered within your company’s blog, they will be able to access your page.

  • Relationship and credibility

If your page is organically ranked, the search engines will show the users that your content is relevant to them. When this is happening, it is possible to stay close to your audience. This is a way to show that your content contains information that is appreciated by the user and can answer his questions, which in turn raises your brand’s credibility.

  • Consistency

If the user is searching for something through a keyword and your page shows up in the first place, it will remain there for a long time until another content, more in depth, appears. So, if your content reaches first place today, it will continue there tomorrow. It is a condition that won’t change overnight.

Google ranking factors

Now that you know all the pros of ranking, you will get to know what are the most important factors to achieve the leading positions on Google.

Page Authority/Pagerank

Pagerank is a metric that goes back to the first days of Google, assigning a score from 0 to 10 to a page’s authority over a keyword. The score, based mainly on the quality and quantity of the backlinks a page receives. Since 2016 it’s not public anymore. However, Google still uses Pagerank.

Domain authority

Just as with Page Authority, the score goes from 1 to 100 and the higher it is, the more authority your domain has.

Link relevance

The more you are referenced by other pages within the universe of your business, the more Google will understand that your content is valuable and should be presented ahead of others.

Quality content

Quality content reinforces your authority in many ways. Apart from helping you get the backlinks we mentioned in the previous item, they create an audience, since they will be useful for many people. Google greatly values a well written text over something built just to have a lot of keywords in it.

Tag title

A page’s title is one of the most important SEO elements in a page. It is not, necessarily, the article’s title. Actually, it is a property of the HTML code that you can see in your browser tab or in the Google search results. The keyword must be there, preferably in the beginning of the title.

Keywords in the content

Besides being in the title, the keyword must appear naturally throughout the text and also in the subtitles, making it easier for the reader to to scan it and also for the algorithm to rank it.

Time in page

One of the things Google knows is how much time a user spends on a website. When a page has quality content, people tend to spend more time with it and this is a factor that helps with ranking.

Page Loading Speeds

Responsive Design

Responsive websites are those that will adapt to whichever device the user uses to access it, adjusting smoothly to any resolution while providing the same reading experience. This also helps with loading speeds.

Image optimization

Search engines do not perceive images the way we do. They only identify pixels, not being able to see clearly what the image is about.

For this reason, it is important to to signal to the robot what the image is about and this can be done through the file’s name, alt text, description or subtitle. This optimization, apart from providing the robot with a more complete content and making the page more accessible to users with visual impairments, will also contribute to a good ranking in Google Images.


There’s no point in having great content if your website’s usability is bad. As we know, Google always considers the user experience and prioritizes websites where the browsing is fluid. Therefore, pages that are hard to navigate through and have high rejection rates will end up having an inferior ranking performance.

SSL Certificates

It is essential for your business’ site to have a SSL certificate. Google has affirmed that it utilizes HTTPS as a ranking criteria, not to mention that we can agree that the safety of our data and information should be a priority for everyone.


If you’ve made it this far it’s because you’re interested in raising awareness to your business organically and with relevance. Throughout the article, you realized how important it is to generate quality content optimized to achieve good ranking in search engines, like Google.

Content marketing is one of the strategies that allows your business to grow digitally. It is through blogging and rick content, such as ebooks, infographics, sheets and newsletters that you build authority and prepare the lead to advance through the stages of your sales funnel.

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