
Conversational Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

22 de February de 2023
Posted by 4Leads
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Do you want to know how to increase your digital sales revenue in 2023? Have you thought about conversational marketing? It sounds strange, I bet. That's because conversational marketing is a relatively new tool that will be better explored this year.

The focus should be on creating an interactive/conversational shopping experience for each visitor who interacts with your website or advertisements.

Learn more about the topic in this text that we have prepared!

What is a Conversational Marketing Strategy?

To simplify, Conversational Marketing is a personalized marketing approach that actually talks to your customers without you being directly involved in the conversation.

Think about using chatbots, live chat, voice assistants, and messaging apps to engage all customers who visit your website or social media channels. Conversational marketing is a revolutionary brand communication channel that uses automation conversations to drive sales.

Interesting, right? It's more like integrating artificial intelligence into your sales funnel. But why worry about conversational marketing when cold calls and traditional B2B or B2C marketing styles still produce results?

When you realize that more buyers will opt for a perfect shopping experience, and conversational marketing offers exactly that, I bet you will rethink your existing strategy!

To make it even more effective, it's possible to strategically position these experiences at each customer touchpoint, such as your landing page, social media channels, and PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns.

This is the new style of digital marketing — opening a two-way interaction channel with the customer until the purchase. Unlike the traditional way of doing marketing, which tells the customer to do this, do that, fill out this form, or skip several steps, conversational marketing makes the customer feel like they are having a real conversation with you.

You know why it's effective and gaining popularity every day? People really like conversations through messaging. Additionally, it's fast, easy, and often seems like a regular face-to-face interaction.

This is similar to the HR chatbots that many organizations are now using to improve employee engagement, people analysis, and process efficiency. Many digital marketing strategies eliminate the part where the customer makes an input.

Conversational marketing, on the other hand, reintroduces the ability of customers to articulate their preferences, ask questions, and get feedback in real-time, thus personalizing visitors' journeys with your brand.

This time, the bot's mission is to provide the visitor with an interactive shopping experience. So, instead of forcing buyers and customers to go through endless obstacles before a conversation can happen, why not simplify the process for them?

Conversational Marketing vs Inbound Marketing

Yes, inbound and conversational marketing are two sides of the same coin. The difference lies in their approach. Inbound marketing prefers to attract customers through channels such as social media or email, while conversationalists focus more on actually talking to them when customers visit their website or social media platforms.

Both strategies have always been customer-centric, so there is no real conflict here!

Chatbots for Conversational Marketing

Chatbots are a crucial component of conversational marketing. They offer an immersive experience that simulates face-to-face interactions and provides more customization than traditional media channels, making them perfect for reaching individuals on their smartphones (or other devices).

Today, chatbots come in all shapes and sizes with various features. Some may be more sophisticated than others, but they are still easy to use for those who don't have much experience coding or designing user interfaces that will help you convey your message while staying within budget constraints!

Chatbots are a new way to engage customers, automating the data collection process, providing information about products/services, and qualifying leads. The fact that they are so common on sites like Facebook or Twitter means your business also needs one!

So, how does conversational marketing actually work?

"Instead of scheduling a meeting or call, conversational marketing shortens the sales cycle by providing real-time answers and solutions to customers."

As we said before, it's as simple as it seems. In fact, conversational marketing is the fastest and easiest way to move buyers through the marketing and sales funnel.

It doesn't require tearing down your existing structure, it just requires making some modifications. Conversations help us build real-life relationships - that's exactly how conversational marketing works.

The conversational marketing structure first involves the visitor, understands their need, and finally offers/recommends smart solutions based on those needs.

Step 1: Engaging leads with chats

I know what might come to mind here is having a live chat, but you can't run live chats 24/7, 7 days a week; even if you do, you might not be able to keep up as your business gets more leads.

Therefore, the solution here is to run a human-like chatbot that takes the customer through your sales funnel unassisted (at least until there's a need for human intervention).

This way, you're able to meet your customers' needs in real-time and generate more conversions in less time. There's a big difference between this and asking customers to fill out a form and you'll contact them or schedule a call - you're speaking with them while they're active on your site.

Step 2: Understanding the Customer's Needs

The traditional approach to qualifying leads often involves email marketing.

Again, the "fill out this form and we will contact you" approach can take a day or two before starting a conversation with the customer. On the other hand, a conversational marketing chatbot involves the customer from the moment they come in contact with your website.

Considering that the chances of reengaging with the customer after a day or two (i.e., if they didn't find what they were looking for) are lower than when you immediately answer their questions, we can say that conversational marketing is more efficient than email marketing for lead conversion.

Step 3: Offer Intelligent Solutions Based on the Customer's Perceived Needs

This is where your sales team comes in. Fortunately, chatbots are not just conversational, they operate with human-like intelligence and are smart enough to know when to forward the conversation to a human representative. The bot engages with potential customers until the need for individual interaction becomes inevitable.

This way, your sales team can focus more on selling—including leads generated by automated marketing like this. What's more, it's even possible to program the bot to schedule calls and meetings with customers based on the availability of active sales agents.

Embracing Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is currently presenting a dramatic shift from traditional marketing styles, as it's powered by automation. Additionally, it focuses on simplifying the customer's buying journey.

Why not try out new strategies this year to increase your online sales?

We have everything you need to take off in the digital environment.Talk to our team of experts to learn about our methodology and receive a map of what you need to maximize your results. Follow us on social media, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, to keep up with other content!

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