
6 fatal mistakes in online stores that hinder sales

31 de August de 2022
Posted by 4Leads
4leads blog seis erros fatais em lojas virtuais que atrapalham as vendas

One thing is for sure: there is no ideal formula to make virtual stores boom on the internet. However, there is a set of actions that are essential to avoid errors that affect the site and bring down sales. When it is clear who is the public that consumes the products, when there is strategic planning and investment to have a high performance website, the results tend to be the best possible.

Consumers are increasingly confident in shopping online. That's because the pandemic changed the habits of many people, who needed to surrender to virtual stores. The myth that shopping online is always a risk has been shattered and the number of individuals who prefer to shop online rather than in physical stores has increased.

Taking advantage of this moment when most people in the world are increasingly connected, it has become essential for entrepreneurs to expand their business to the digital market. For this strategy to really work, it is necessary to create virtual stores that meet consumer needs.

In this text, you will find out which are the mistakes most made in virtual stores that bring down sales.

The 6 mistakes that bring down online store sales

Some mistakes that we are going to list may seem obvious, but that are common and indirectly can hinder sales. Read carefully and learn about those slips that must be avoided so that your virtual store grows and obtains the best results. Check out!

Not valuing user information

One way to gather important information from your audience is through rich content, such as e-books, courses, spreadsheets, webinars, among others. The reasoning is simple: your business offers these contents to users, who, before obtaining them, need to fill in a form with some data (name, age, profession, email). Through this, it will be possible to create personalized offers for these people and inform them about something important when necessary.

Background usability

You need to create a site that is user-experienced. In the case of a virtual store, it is essential that the consumer find important information easily and be able to complete a purchase without difficulties. An example is when an individual accesses a store's website via mobile and cannot navigate easily, this person may give up on making a purchase.

Little explanatory domain

It is recommended that the domain is short and easy to memorize. That's because the URL must be understood by the public, facilitate the search and be easy to rank in search engines, such as Google. The address of the virtual store page influences the number of hits.

Missing products and descriptions

More than putting the products on the site, they need to be very well described. It is essential to remember that the user cannot touch or see the product up close. Therefore, to decide on the purchase, he needs as much information as possible. In this way, it will be easier to know if what you are buying is really what you need.

Few payment options

The payment method is one of the most incidental factors in the purchase or withdrawal of it. Therefore, it is necessary to have a great payment tool and offer more than one option for the user to pay for their purchase.

Not showing strengths

Use and abuse your store's strengths, which can be security certificates, loyalty program and social proof. Users who access the site and see these benefits can build more confidence to make a purchase. A website without attractions and advantages for the consumer has more difficulties in increasing sales.


For a virtual store to maintain a good number of monthly sales and gradually obtain good results, it is necessary to invest in a website that has relevant content, is optimized, has a good designer, is responsive and has all the necessary settings so that the consumer can navigate with ease.

If you want to have an online store with all these attributes and don't have mistakes that can bring down sales, get in touch with our team. Make your budget and enter the digital market once and for all. Follow us on social media for more content!

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