
How to Create a Website Structure for SEO

8 de August de 2023
Posted by 4Leads
4leads blog como criar uma estrutura de site para SEO

Creating a good site structure for SEO is essential for sites to rank more easily in search engines and make the user experience pleasant and intuitive. It is also known as site architecture. It's like the skeleton of the web page.

A website without this structure is like a car without an engine: it may look attractive but won't go anywhere. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential to ensure your website is found and appropriately ranked in search results, bringing you more traffic and potential customers.

We prepared this article for you to better understand the importance of website architecture, the advantages of making a good "skeleton," and what criteria need to be taken into account when creating a good structure.

What does it mean to have a site structure for SEO?

Having a site structure for SEO means organizing and building your site in a way that it is easily accessible, understandable, and crawlable by search engines like Google.

For both small and large websites, structure is an essential component for success, as it affects users in terms of accessibility and ease of use, search engines, crawlability, and technical aspects.

If your website does not have an adequate architecture, it will take time to rank in search engines, and, consequently, your company's visibility becomes much smaller. In addition, capturing leads and keeping a high number of sales (regarding e-commerce) will be challenging.

Users entering the site may struggle to find information easily or feel confused or lost. This will also affect how long the user stays on the page.

What are the advantages of creating a site structure for SEO?

To clarify the importance of having a good site structure for SEO, check some benefits of prioritizing it when building your Marketing strategy.

Better ranking in search engines

Better ranking increases visibility and attracts more visitors interested in your content. That way, it's easier for people to enter the Sales Funnel.

Increased organic traffic

By being better ranked in search results, your website attracts more organic traffic, that is, visitors who come to your website through search engines without having to invest in paid advertising.

Higher conversion and engagement

A well-structured and SEO-optimized website provides users a more pleasant and efficient browsing experience, leading to greater engagement and a higher conversion rate, whether in sales, registrations, or other desired actions.

Credibility and authority

Having a professional and competent website architecture can enhance the perceived credibility and authority of your brand in the market. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of repeat visits from users who may recommend your site to others.

Optimization for mobile devices

More than 90% of Brazilian Internet users have already purchased through an app or website on their smartphone. Six out of ten cell phone owners (63%) shop online at least a few times a month, according to Comscore's "Digital Trends and Behaviors" report.

To reach a larger audience, it's essential to have a responsive and mobile-friendly website, as many users today access the internet via smartphones and tablets.

Reach pages with as few clicks as possible

No one wants to waste time looking for content. A good site structure makes it easy to find pages and posts with as few clicks as possible, keeping users engaged and preventing them from leaving the page.

Competitive advantage

Investing in an SEO-optimized website structure can put your website ahead of competitors in search results, giving you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

What criteria to take into consideration for the website's structure?

A good site structure is important for providing a great user experience, but it is also a key part of being successful with SEO. See some essential criteria when structuring a website.

  • Friendly URLs: Clear, descriptive URLs that reflect the page's content make it easy for users and search engines to understand.
  • Proper use of HTML tags: consistently use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and properly highlight the content hierarchy. It will help search engines understand the importance of different elements on the page.
  • XML Sitemap: Lists all the pages on your site and helps search engines crawl and index them faster.
  • Content Optimization: It is essential to produce relevant, original and high-quality content, using keywords strategically to attract visitors and improve your site's ranking in search results.
  • Responsive design: You need to ensure your website is mobile-friendly and adapts appropriately to different screen sizes, improving the user experience and increasing visibility in search engines.
  • Optimized loading time: another essential point is to minimize the loading time of the pages, optimizing images and eliminating unnecessary code to provide a faster and more pleasant experience for users and improve the site's ranking in search engines.
  • Internal and external links: You must also use internal links to connect related pages within your site and external links to provide additional information and relevant references. This helps improve your site's authority and relevance to search engines.
  • Topic clustered content: Working on topical SEO (topic clustering) is critical, and site structure is a key way to show how different pages and posts connect.

Did you see how structuring a website for SEO takes work? Still, it is essential if you want to improve your ranking on Google, increase visibility, get more conversions and sales, and be a reference in your niche?!

All this work is done based on studies and planning to achieve the expected results. Therefore, it is essential to rely on the help of a company specialized in the subject. We have everything you need to take off in the digital environment. Talk to our team of experts to learn about our methodology and receive a map with what you need to boost your results.

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